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We were hoping that the farm stand would open this month but with the cool weather guess it will be next month.

Our strawberries and raspberries have been transplanted, thinned and some are potted. The Walla Walla onions have been planted. Still need to plant the red and yellow onions. The fruit trees have buds but no sign of blossom yet.

Today we had a heron visit in the creek and hummingbirds regularly feeding at the window feeder. The greenhouse framed up on the deck with window and a door is getting fuller each day as we sow seeds and transplant tomatoes and peppers.

This year to combat pill bugs and slugs we are seeding then transplanting them as strong big plants. They seem to eat the little sprouts right away. We have peas, zucchini, minor’s lettuce, kale ready. And New Zealand spinach, butter crunch lettuce seeded along with some scarlet runner beans in the greenhouse. Some will just grow on the deck in pots others will be transplanted into the fenced garden area. This year we built a three pot herb tower for the deck.

The strawberry patch left in the fenced garden area is weeded, manured, and mulched with straw. Some strawberries we are growing in an upright pallet. Others in a potted tower on our deck.